Frontenac Condominium Corp.
649 Davis Drive, Kingston
Project Timeline:
10 Months
Project Description
What seemed like a straightforward project became a bit more challenging, but Morven prevailed with experience and expertise to overcome any hurdles. This project involved replacing a large retaining wall that supports parking areas for a multi-unit residential building. The original plan included a 9.5 foot high cast-in-place concrete retaining wall. However, when removing the existing timber wall, Morven determined there were horizontal and vertical conflicts with existing communication, electrical and gas services.
Cost effective options were limited with the existing retaining wall already removed. However, given their past experience, Morven Construction proposed using a precast concrete block retaining wall which would require relocating only one of the three utility services.
After working with a design consultant, project administrator, precast supplier, Enbridge Gas and the residents of the building, Morven completed an 11.8 foot precast concrete retaining wall complete with fencing.
Communication and cooperation with the adjacent property owner and the condo residents was critical to the success of this project. The site has very tight access constraints and the pedestrian walkway needed to remain accessible. In addition to these challenges, Morven needed to ensure a stable foundation around the condo while excavating up to 15 feet.
Despite the change of plans, the resulting retaining wall was a success. Both asphalt parking lots and walking paths were reinstated while ensuring positive drainage away from the parking areas located under the building. The Morven team also reinstated the chain link fence along the path and installed new fencing at the entrance of the building.